Sunday, January 13, 2008

Six things I learnt from my first job

Patience- Great products are made over a long and painful period of time, over months of thinking and iterating, bit by painful bit. You need to have loads of patience and conviction.

The Devil does lie in the details. No amount of great concepts and ideas would be any good if you don’t sweat the small stuff. Do not think only of the most common Use Cases. Exceptions and Margin cases are important too!

Implementation- This is not the most glamorous phase of Product Development for a Designer, however, this is the Foundry phase which tests the strength and robustness of your design and gives it a form which can be used. It is crucial that you remain as focused and dedicated in this phase as in the Design phase.

Communication- Talking with different people associated with the product, from Product Managers to Developers to Marketing guys gives you different perspectives on the product and helps you in forming a well-rounded vision and a clearer view on the strategy and Product placement in the market

Research- Don’t go about re-inventing the wheel. Inspiration is not such a bad thing. See what has been done before, what is being done now, do competitor analysis. Can save you a lot of time and effort.

Vision- You need to have an internal radar guiding you to what the product should be, not merely what it can be under present constraints. Always keep the vision in mind, and lead the developers slowly towards it.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Raina, I found your blog an interesting read .. specifically this solid no-nonsense post! Keep it up. Cheers!